
Critical Market


What's the estimated delivery time for my order?

Your estimated delivery time can range anywhere from minutes to days, depending on the size of your order.

Is there a warranty available for my purchase?

Rest assured, I provide a 3-day account warranty. In the event of an account suspension within the warranty period, I'll be happy to provide a replacement account.

Are there any bulk discounts available for OpenAI accounts?

Absolutely! We offer special discounts for bulk trial accounts. Please contact us beforehand if you want to buy more than 1000 accounts.

Is there any record of accounts suspensions?

Our accounts have not faced any record of suspension.

Do you provide mobile numbers in the Excel sheet?

No, we do not provide mobile numbers in the Excel sheet.

Do you provide Email User passwords?

No, we do not provide email user passwords. We only provide OpenAI user, passwords and API, which you can use to access our platform's cutting-edge AI technology and tools.


An error occured while trying to access one of your resources